Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Off the Rack:

Podcasts uses and content for broad educational process support
Shawn Cordes

Generally Speaking…

  • Engagement
    • Provides alternate, enriched, content perspectives
  • Interaction
    • Provides anytime, anywhere flexibility, user creativity

  • Reflection
    • Lets users analyze sources and think about content in new ways, helps stimulate higher-order thinking.

Some Points to consider …

Build a point of information

Point to something someone else built

Build, Broadcast, and Bolster

  • Build community o n student experiences
    • Student library workers on their departments
    • Student life on campus
  • Promote the library through Podcasts
    • Library tours on audio…
  • Podcasts as professional development tool

Using student experiences to share learning

Podcasts and library promotion

Syndication for HigerEd Podcasting


vidnews, workshops, convference, porfsional interviews

ALA Library 2.0 Podcasts

Lecture me please…

A search on iTunes yields

Over 40 education Podcast offering non classroom specific programming

San Francisco Zoo Podcast… for biology or zoology classes, professional narrates tour

So many, too fast…. WOW lots of pods are out there.

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