Friday, November 18, 2016

Session: Auditing & Replacing Library Signage

Signs are living documents

Promotes                            (promotional)
Provides direction            (directional)
Describes policies             (informational)

Bad signage
Too many
Poor placement
Inconsistent design (= confusing)
Too much text

Must have a controlled thesaurus for signage

1.       In house (DIY)
2.       Permanent (institutional)
3.       Temporary (i.e. out of order)
4.       External (for the public)

Get buy-in from Dean to remove
                Text heavy
                Hand written

People are not going up to a sign to read the fine print

Literature says san serif for readability

Assessment = survey the employees for prefereed font, size, language

Buy in can be challenging

“24x36” no more than 5 words with real photos

Students feel offended by passive aggressive signage

Create design templates
Track location of signs
Be mindful of placement
Remove ½ the signs
Avoid glare (laminating)
No all caps
Co-brand & depart name

Bump points or touch points for signs
                Where decision points such as elevator or top of stairs

Used a red border onpolicy signs

Signs… the library is not a parking lot

Silent study (that’s all the sign says)

ADA: avoid glare, embrace contrast

Respect sign/campaign, not code of contact that looked like constitution

Signs on easels or holders not on walls, furniture
No fancy fonts
No posting on doors & walls
No visible tape

Signage Policy (LMAO) ACRL

1-2 people designated signage team. Get buy in if possible, at least from Dean

Data for buy-in/focus groups
Enforce policies or don’t have them.

Weekly signage stroll

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