Friday, April 21, 2006

Cataloging Books

We had a very interesting education hour today. My friend Annie taught us how to use the webpage It's a webpage where you can organize or catalog your books. You create entries by typing in the name or ISBN. The site then searches Amazon, the Library of Congress and a few other sites to match your book to a record. It then imports the cover art (where available) and puts it in your catalog. You can add tags (aka subject headings) either at the time you add the book or later. What's really great is that you're able to access the catalog from anywhere. I've started adding my geology books and I added a marklet to the blog on the left side so you can see what some of my books in the catalog are. Very fun! Annie's brother uses her site to find books to read based on the tags and what he knows he already likes. Eventually, if I felt really dedicated, I could write book reviews and add them to the site. Wheeeeee.... gotta love technology.

After later

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate
Originally uploaded by J Semenza.
Here's a picture of us at one of our Faculty Senate meetings from last year. I can tell by my braid that this is from 2005. In 2006 I tipped the ends of my hair with bright red. Vitit Kantabutra from the Engineering department took this picture. He is an amazing photographer. More of his photos can be found at:

After later


I have no idea how I got this. Actually, I probably received it from one of my friends via email. It’s been in my computer’s funny file for at least 6 years.

British Librarianship's finest hour:

Q: I read somewhere that a large group of librarians on their way to a convention had all perished on the Titanic. Is that story true?

A: Sadly, it is. The cream of British Librarianship was wiped out in a single blow. We know the full story because the minutes from their meetings were found floating on the water by rescuers. Just twenty minutes after hitting the iceberg, the librarians had already swung into action. They'd divided into two committees, one discussing "The Sink/Swim Paradigm" and one discussing "Sinking: Is It REALLY Necessary?". The second group spun off a subcommittee to discuss In The Event Sinking Proves Necessary, Should 'Titanic' Be Given Its Own Subject Heading In The Card Catalogue?". One hour later, the groups combined for a seminar: "Lifeboats: Access Or Ownership?" Debate was fractious, and several subcommittees were formed to discuss protocols for further meetings.

One hour later, the entire group drowned, only ten minutes into the "Steaming To Excellence" seminar, and without having once left the meeting room. But it isn't all in vain -- "Titanic" WAS eventually given its own subject heading, in tribute to those who gave their lives in committee.

For the last few years I have been on a lot of committees. My current roster looks like this:

1. Faculty Senate
Meets every other week and occasionally more often during times of crisis. This year we had the crises of Administrative Salaries, No Confidence in the President, Early Resignation of said President, announcement of new Interim President (who’s been great), and finally the hiring process for a new President.

2. Academic Standards
Meets once a month. This is a subcommittee of the Faculty Senate.

3. Library Faculty
The Library’s Faculty Senate representative chairs this library committee.

4. Library Administrative Council
Again, I’m on the council as because I’m the Faculty Senate representative for the library.

5. University Bookstore Committee
Meets only once a semester and for various and sundry reasons I was unable to attend at all this year. I had a colleague go in my place.

Four of these committees end in May sometime. WHEEEEE

However, I’ll still be involved with these library committees:

1. Public Services Meetings (once a month)
2. Instruction Meetings (once a month)
3. Reference Meetings (every now and then)
4. Education Hour (a learning session 2-3 Fridays per month)
5. General Library Staff Meetings (once a month)
6. Library Events (as needed, once a week through August)
7. Library Web Development (every other week or so)
8. Library Space Committee (every other week) I’m chairing this one
9. Library and College of Education Development Committee (once a month), I’m facilitating this one, taking minutes, etc…
10. Library Electronic Resource (as needed) I’m chairing this one too. We don’t have a budget so we haven’t been meeting this year.
11. Law Library Committee (3-4 meetings per year plus one "event")
12. Library Travel Committee (meets in the late spring and through the summer)

And then of course there are the impromptu meetings for every other decision. I’m tired just listing all of these. So if you want to know why it is hard to get in touch with me, assume I’m in a meeting.

After later