Day Two:
Session 1: Making the Most of the Blosphere
Will post the notes post conference…
Moveabletype is another blog site, with multiple blogs and multiple authors
Using blogs for:
Get past using it just for Announcements
Humanizes a website
Creates updated look
More of a diary and less of a formal announcement
Doesn’t go through committee, informal, personal
Virtual reference and library blog linked together and then link back out to other services.
Need metadata in blogs
Information literacy blogs using it to teach
Blogs for “buzz” and “spin”
Local people are blogging treat them as members of the press. Become a reference resource for the blog these are the people generating the buzzzz
Mo-blogging, taking the camera phone pictures and posting. Mo-blog your events.
We’re not having much fun on our sites
Blog the stats
Blog about projects
Start a community blog and get others to contribute
Blog 5-10 sites a day
Demand rss out of the catalog display new items on any web page (newspaper, own etc…)
Get info about our services and resources to the bloggers
We are having an event not The Library is having an event
How weblogs can help you and users find answers and help
Most have bad information\
Tools to help users find information
Diversity of authors and topics
Rate of update
Increasing influence
Mainstream blogs
Lots of people are lying on the web. I.e QT’s diary
Searching blogs
Feedster indexes over 1 million newsfeeds majority of them are weblogs and other real news (i.e. ny times) or
can subscribe to search for sdi
uses text analysis algorithm
no tow blog search engines are the same
Waypath bookmarklet takes a page you’re looking at and searches for other relevant sites
Bookmarklet includes a little java applet that executes an action and goes to site.
Doesn’t have a searchable database
Sdi service, you subscribe to query and it sends you newly discovered results as it finds them. Rss feed, or through proprietary instant messenger program.
In google
~blog inurt:archives “federated search”
Indexes select subset of “most significant” uses subset to find out wht people are linking to, at that moment.
What’s everyone talking about today
Similar to Daypop
Has highest blog total (similar to Daypop)
Able to choose sectors, including popular sites on ebay
Blog search directories can be good starting places, they rely on blog author submissions for listings.
Robin Good’s best blog directory and blog submission sites (??) his blog
Kinja is a “weblog portal”
Topical digests from all the best bloggers
\ already selected for quality (free webbased)
Key is to take some time and explore for information discovery techniques.
Rss: really simple syndication (subscribe to someone’s website and the info comes to you, push/pull).
Corporate world that caters to just the people in the one corporations.
Session 2: University Blogs
Part a: See program book page:
Host blogs for the entire campus, legitimizes blog discourse as scholarly
Promote intellectual freedom
Build communities of interest (grouping by major, department etc…)
Preserve the cultural memory of the institution. (using moveable type system linked to computer center authentication)
will share bookmarklet code and equivalent of ldap code
2% of internet uses have own blog (2.5 million people)
66% of blogs on web have been abandoned.
Part b:
MVCC Library Blogs
Moriane Valley Library’s Blogs
- Library news
- Info resources
Resources & search tips, searchable blog. Librarians post info about projects and resources that can answer questions. J J no controlled vocabulary. Available on open web and does show up in google.
- Construction news
- Frankenstein (exhibit) news
- Staff forum (private)
- Development blog about the process of creating the blogs for the library
Will post presentation to conference site.
(Moveable type blog)
Blog content onto web page using rss which parses the rss content:
Way to update content on home page without having to go through regular publishing channels.
Session 3:
Promoting/teaching weblogs to staff
Michael Stephens in public library
Why? Information filters, keep current,
- Educate them on keeping current
- Part of today’s info literacy curriculum
- They may be writing and posting themselves
- Learning curve is always present
- Blog the “right way”
- Liabilities if you don’t have a mission statement, code of ethics, and policies
Teach staff
- Teach nuts and bolts of software
- The best way to blog short concise posts
- Teaching linking skills
- Citing resources
- Make the commitment
Teach systems
- Implementation
- Security issues
- Intranet/internet
- The “Big Picture” has a great description of what rss is.
Shifted librarian
Session 4: RSS
Will post session online
Orange buttons (xml, rss feed) or small text with rss feed or rss
Need a news aggregator which can read the feeds
Abcnews, businessweek, Chicago sun times, Christian science monitor, the chronicle, congressional record dail digest, doe, espn, forbes, new york times (can get very granular), rolling stone,, nature, time, Washington post, yahoo news, amazon genres, blog of death, comic alert, dilbert, almanac moon phases, bootleg rss, snopes urban legends,
Currently free may start showing adds. Sign up for free account tracks sites you’ve subscribed to that have rss feeds. Bold if the content has been updated,
(Bug Me Not that has all of these registrations and you can use other peoples accounts/sign ins)
feedonfeeds (FOF) download onto own server php software,
amphetadesk free
bloglet free – emailed to you once a day
find rss feeds
hubmed (for news sources)
blog is an rss feed and is how you can let others know.
Hunterdon central high schools
For more information
Day One:
Keynote: About internet use
(in program book)
Session 1: ebooks connoley pg 118
(in program book)
Session 2: Cool Tools
Price’s lists of lists
Full text government document reports
Search engines
Exalead (French search engine) Proximity operator!! 16 words in either direction. (Alta vista and All the web lost all advanced searching when it was gobbled up by yahoo).
All the web (moving into regular search soon)
Askjeeves & teoma
Search engine overlap… allows you to search and see the overlap (about like mamma and surfwax? Better search engine overlap results) (use two engines at a time, only works with internet explorer) great for training tools (50% overlap
needlesearch toolbar (firefox, mozilla)
copernic toolbar (ie)
Slider bars to adjust relevancy rankings and result lists (in yahoo shopping, travel metasearch, kayak--pulls fare and organizes them on one page).
New msn search page (is it going to beat google?)
Using syntax from altavista? For advanced searching. Does use sliders to adjust results
Ask Jeeves
Smart answers (bought Teoma) using natural language
Teoma allows refinements
Teoma includes resources sections
The resources section includes metapages and other categories
Is doing ready reference answers if possible
Use for the “simplified” interface. Tabs can be customized
Yahoo’s image database is “wonderful”
Mobile searching
Cell phones or pda or other mobile connected device
Interfaces optimized for mobile devices (yahoo has one)
Mobot.. (take a look)
Hold cell phone up to upc symbol using the camera to search … or
Website watcher
45.00 for personal license… allows a person to go to any url and see if anything is new or changed on the webpage. It will highlight in red what is changed or can have it emailed ot self. Thing that is changed is highlighted in yellow.
Diplomacy Monitor
Targeted crawler looking for new diplomatic information, press releases, primary documents, searchable (specialized database)
Digital books
(digital book index) links to 100,000 books many are available for free
Domain tracking and
“whois source” and “whois history”
Dialog file #255 to search for more information about domain tracking
SEC Info helps with tracking stuff in Edgar
Pubcrawler searches pubmed to find new stuff (free)
Save a whole or part website free: HTTrack to help archive
Fagan Finder (Michael Fagan) list of specialized databases. url investigation work
Ellyon searches for people and creates profiles
Lycos discussion search searches the boards 9,000 sources for news\
prebuilt page for every zip code in searches keyword everyword spoken on all the words spoken on news. Licensed content so you can watch content. Alert service available.
Speechbot: radio programming
Terrafly to virtually fly across the
Lots of info.
Session 3: cervone pg 71 & trainor pg 250 – federated searching and open url
Session 4: Accessibility of ARL Digital Projects is in collected page 159